Positive birth stories from couples who’ve done my Hypnobirthing & Antenatal Course.

There’s lots of different stories and each one is unique - as each birth is unique. That’s because I truly believe ALL types of births can benefit from using hypnobirthing and the knowledge and brilliant tools and techniques I will show you. It is not just for a certain type of birth or type of person, hypnobirthing is really honestly for anyone who wants and more confident and positive birth experience.

Plus reading positive birth stories is so beneficial in pregnancy (you’ll learn more about this on the course). So take a read of these wonderful positive Hypnobirthing Birth Stories, I’ve included lots of different ones (home birth, hospital birth, caesarean birth, VBAC, induction and more). All are unique of course, but all of them share positivity, confidence and choice - which is what hypnobirthing is all about. And of course if you would like to share your story after your own birth please do get in touch. (NB. I always change all names in the stories for anonymity)