B is for Baby Massage

B is for baby massage

Having run my baby massage courses here in York for the past 8 years, I thought it was about time to tell you why they caN be such a special thing to do - for your baby, for you and for your partner too!

I see each week in these classes the many benefits that baby massage have, and hear stories for years after about how learning baby massage continues to benefit mother's, partners and their babies. It really is a joyful skill to teach all of these folk.

Baby massage provides practical techniques for helping new parents literally 'get in touch' with their babies .It helps give parents confidence in both handling of babies and also the ability to provide comfort for their child.And that has a profound impact on baby’s brain development. Babys need to be feel comforted and safe to thrive. They need to feel love. And one amazingly simple but immediately effective way to do this is through loving touch - through massage.

“Touch is the simplest and most effective way to communicate to babies they are loved, respected, secure and cared for.”

Baby massage and bonding

Following birth it is through touch that the biological unity between a mother and her baby can continue through direct ‘skin to skin’ contact, a form of touch, Skin-to-skin has so many benefits - it regulates the newborn baby's heartbeat, breathing rhythm and body temperature as well as the flow of milk from a mothers breast. Simple yet hugely powerful. Professor Amy Brown (who is a researcher and has written many evidence based books on breastfeeding) say’s that skin-to-skin and the golden hour after birth should be though of as the ‘fourth stage of labour’ and should not be interrupted without very good reason.

The mother-child relationship, being a life from a life, represents the closest connection we can experience with another human being here on Earth. Its a unique bond built upon the concept of "microchimerism" or organic empathy, which develops during the course of a pregnancy. Continuing to nurture that bond and allowing it to flourish and grow once baby is earthside can be supported with touch and massage. Alongside feeding baby, cuddling baby and simply staring at baby, massage can add another layer to the bonding and connecting and getting to know one another journey for mother and baby.

Partner bonding

Massage can be done by either parent of course (or other care provider indeed), and can be a really lovely way for partner to bond too. This can be especially important if mum is exclusively breastfeeding, as partners can feel that their role is not as big as it could be and sometimes there can feel a pressure to introduce a bottle to help with partner bonding. Here are some more ways that partner can bond with baby too in this article.

1001 critical days

Unlike so many other mammals, human babies require a long period of development outside the womb in the loving embrace of their families. We are in essence born prematurely, our brains have so much more development to do before we are as advanced as other mammals. What other offspring is unable to walk until it is a year old, or fend for itself in any way until it is at least two years old?

The first 1001 days, from conception to 2 years old, is considered to be the most important time in a child's life for development. Not just physically, but mentally and emotionally. The human brain is only partially formed at birth and becomes ‘hardwired’ by the baby’s earliest experiences, which has a lifelong impact on their physical and emotional health. There is SO much going on in developing their brain in those initial months and years.

Babys who feel safe and loved, and who have what’s known as ‘securely attachment’ are much more likely to go on to become adults who cope well with life’s ups and downs, be resilient, build strong relationships with other humans, and who are in turn better equipped to raise their own children.

Studies have repeatedly shown that responsive parenting and attachment is the key to the emotional wellbeing of children. When we massage out babies we are teaching love, compassion, empathy and understanding to create positive early experiences and secure loving relationships. This has an effect on the child, the parent and society as a whole.

Baby massage can help with that feeling of love, safety and security. It can help though loving touch that hardwiring of the brain in a positive way, and help babies have that secure attachment that is so vital. It also provides another way for connecting and bonding between babies and parents to flourish with confidence.

Benefits to the mother through baby massage

Mothers can also benefit on a physical level. A mother’s breast milk can be stimulated by massaging her baby and Oxytocin, the hormone that controls feelings of well-being and the nurturing instinct, is much higher when a mother has massaged her baby.

The benefits are not just limited to the mother; studies have shown that fathers that massage their babies regularly each night before bed shows they interact much better with their babies than fathers that don’t. On the whole baby massage can help parents feel confident about handling a tiny newborn.

Massaging your baby from an early age is one of the most important forms of communication you can have with your baby. During a For Modern Mothers Baby Massage class, you will begin to learn about your baby’s non-verbal cues and discover how to communicate with your baby.

Other baby massage benefits include…

  • Baby massage can help relieve wind, colic, constipation, teething and much more

  • Baby Massage may help create and develop the bond between you and your baby

  • Baby Massage provides relaxation for you both

  • Baby Massage stimulates and supports your baby’s physical, emotional and social development

  • Baby Massages helps you feel more confident in handling your baby

  • Baby Massage is great fun to learn and a brilliant way to meet other parents and spend special time with your baby.

Being massaged helps babies relax and cope better with stress, improves their muscular coordination and flexibility, improves circulatory and respiratory rhythms, as well as helping to relieve symptoms such as colic, constipation and improve digestion. It also helps you as a parent to learn useful techniques to help calm and relax your baby,  create a deep connection to your baby and helps with bonding, and helps you to feel more confident with your baby too. It’s all good.

Connection with other parents

The arrival of a new baby is usually exhausting and can be overwhelming. Full stop. Added to this in too many families there have been difficult pregnancies, difficulties with breastfeeding, or a traumatic birth experience then any of these things can dramatically hinder the capacity to parent in the way you would like in a responsive and connected way..

Baby massage classes give you a nurturing opportunity each week for mothers to take some time away from the rounds of feeding, washing, cooking, shopping to spend time communicating with their babies through the beautiful medium of touch .

Baby massage has enormous benefits in supporting new parents develop a warm and loving relationship with their baby, and also with other local new parents.

Massage shows babies they are loved. And also gives Mums (or other care givers) the opportunity to meet other new mums, and connect and share their experiences, and find a support network who know just how you feel.

My classes are guaranteed supportive, friendly and relaxed. Judgement free and always welcoming. You come as you are - however the night before as been.

If you want to know more about my Baby Massage courses in York then you’ll find that information here.

And of course any questions please just ask me, I;m always happy to help
