Tell Me About.....diastasis recti

Tell Me about diastasis recti.jpg

In this new series of videos I want to help you understand some of the common things talked about around pregnancy, birth and in the postnatal period.

Todays 'tell me about' video is all about your core, specifically about Diastasis Recti which is a separation (not a tear - important to know that!) of two of the abdominal muscles, which is very common in pregnancy. It's important to know if post natally they have moved back together.

It’s really important though to get the function of the whole of your core working as it was designed to after baby is really important . That includes different layers of your abdominals, back muscles, pelvic floor and diaphragm. It’s absolutely not just about your tummy muscles - as we can often assume.

Getting a postnatal physio check and rehabing your core with the right exercieses (and for a diastasis recti this is definitely NOT crunches or planks and the like) can make the hugest difference - both to your body and your confidence too. Its all about movement, strength, breath and pelvic floor connection - ALL of this. The video is below, and any questions please ask me of course.

That’s why we do so much on the breath, the feet, the pelvic floor in my Postnatal Mum & Baby yoga classes, because its ALL so important to your postnatal body - diastasis recti or not.

Susan x

Here’s the video: