Baby Carriers & Slings

Baby carrier and slings can, I’ll be honest, be a little bit of magic! Babies (especially newborn, but also older babies too) will often want to be in your arms a lot - and when I say a lot I mean it can be pretty much all of the time. For feeding, for napping, for most of their awake time. That beautiful moses basket you’d imagined them napping in whilst you read a book - sorry, think again! They are highly likely to spend more time on you than in a moses basket. I hear this all the time in my mum & baby classes. So investing in a sling can be a life saver - baby is close but you also can actually do stuff.

But the world of baby carrier and slings can be confusing. There is SO much choice! Where to begin? Well this blog post is designed to do exactly that - give you a starting point to make sense of slings/carriers, and help you get your first one (a stretchy-wrap is what you need, since you asked, And they are super affordable too!). Read on and get a little clearer on the baby wearing stuff…

Why carry your baby?

There are so many benefits to being able to have your baby close to you, where they can hear your heartbeat and feel safe and secure - yet also have your hands free! Babies will often not nap in a moses basket or cot - but will sleep in your arms!

It is very normal for babies to want to be held a lot, and not want to be put down. Because after all we have evolved from ‘cling mammals’ (monkeys) and this is how we would carry our young and get them through the trees! But if can be tiring physically and mentally to always be holding a baby in your arms.

A sling can facilitate your baby feeling safe, but give your your arms back. I would say it’s an essential bit of kit, and it doesn’t have to be expensive. For newborns you need a soft and stretchy sling type sling/carrier (not a structured carrier with clips and firm/rigid material - they are for bigger babies and children), but then can seem confusing to tie at first. But with a little practice it becomes as simple as tying your shoelace. Stretchy Wraps as they are know are also really inexpensive (only a few pounds on Vinted for example!). They are easily washable, so going second hand is a great idea (babies can be so damn expensive)

You can also get stretchy wraps that are ready tied and you put on like a t-shirt and these can also be a great option. A ‘Close Caboo’ is a popular brand lots of mums from my classes and hypnobirthing & antenatal courses tell me they love:

Types of carrier - how to choose

There are many types of baby carrier, giving you hands-free baby carrying. But that means it can be really daunting to know where to start. The right carrier to choose will depend on the age and weight of your baby. There are options from newborn right up to toddlers. You may have heard of or seen:

~ Stretch wraps (made of soft jersey material, that stretches to snuggly fit your baby)

~ Soft structured baby carriers

~ Woven wraps

~ Pouch sling

~ Ring sling

~ Baby backpacks

A great place to start your research is one of these websites

The Consumer Association / Which? has a guide tells you all about the different types of sling/carrier, and provides information on things you should think about when considering using slings and baby carriers. T

You can also head to for more information, they have a great guide on how to choose a sling or carrier here:

How to use a stretchy-wrap style carrier

I demonstrated a stretchy wrap in my pregnancy yoga classes this week, but it does take a bit of practice to feel confident. So here’s some more information to refer to. I’d also recommend doing it with your partner to start with, to make it as stress free as possible.

There’s a series of photo’s you may find helpful

Plus there are some really brilliant tutorial videos and photo tutorials here on the Carrying Matters website:

Photo tutorials:

Videos of using lots of different types of carrier and slings:

Test driving different slings & carriers

But by far the best way is to head to your local Sling Library, who can advise you and you can loan a sling/carrier to 'test drive' before you commit to buying. Or find a local Baby Wearing Consultant. There are so many brands out there - and no shops have the entire range of brands and options. And trying before you buy with any try of structured carrier is really recommended so you get the best one for you (stretchy type wraps are pretty much all the same)

York Sling Library ~

Baby sleeping in a sling

And if you want evidence-based information on using a sling for daytime sleep, head here:

Breastfeeding baby in a sling

You can also feed in a sling, how to do that safely is here in this video:

Safe baby wearing

TICKS is a set of simple rules created by the UK Sling Consortium to help parents babywear safely.

TICKS stands for:

  • Tight

  • In view at all times

  • Close enough to kiss

  • Keep chin off chest

  • Supported back

Here’s an illustrated guide to TICKS, which helps you make sure that your baby is in the safest position for baby wearing

If you need any other information about baby wearing, baby sleep, or normal baby behaviour and understanding your baby then of course just get in touch. You may like to take my Fourth Trimester & More online course, which covers so much more about all of this (you get this course for FREE when you come to my complete Hypnobirthing & Antenatal Course)

Susan x