9. Supporting Your Baby's Brain Development Through Love

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I'm back after a bit of a gap - more on that in the Podcast. This episode is all about Baby's brain development, and as a total neuroscience geek this is utterly fascinating to me. But don't worry, there's nothing too sciencey in terms of jargon! Just some super interesting stuff about how your babys brain develops so much AFTER they are born (unlike many other mammals). I talk about how the 'nature / nurture' debate is outdated, and how the physical and importantly the social environment you create for you baby is really important for setting their brain for the rest of their life. Over all this is about love, and how simple intuitive things we do with babys (like cuddling, holding, talking and engaging with them is all part of evolutions master plan - you can't do any of it too much).

And don't forget to subscribe to the For Modern Mothers Podcast for the latest conversations on all things modern motherhood.

Enjoy the episode, and as ever get in touch with any questions or feedback too. As well as ideas for future episodes that you want me to explore are always welcome too.

And if you would like to leave a review that would be amazing, as it helps other folk get to hear it too (reviews boost all about that algorithm schizz)

Susan x

What you’ll learn from this episode:

I talk about so much, including:

  • how human brains are sculpted and ‘finished’ after we are born, unlike many other mammals

  • why neuroscience research tells us that ‘nature vs nurture’ is outdated, and that both work together in humna babys brain development

  • how our babys brains wire themselves to the world around them

  • how both physical environment and social environment have important parts to play in babys brain development

  • what happens to babies that aren’t held, cuddled, talked to,loved and cared for

  • why loving relationships are essential to babys brain development in the early years, and this has lasting consequences for future emotional and physical health.

  • how it’s up to us as parents to create a world that is socially rich, so that babies can grow brains that are healthly and whole and set them up for life

Listen to this episode:

Featured in this episode and show links:

Here's the books I mention too at the end of the episode as promised:

  • "Why Love Matters: How Affection Shapes a Baby's Brain" by Sue Gerhardt

  • "A General Theory of Love" by Thomas Lewis et al

  • "How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain" by Lisa Feldman Barrett 

Find out more about my Baby Massage Courses which support loving touch here:


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With huge thanks and gratitude.