5 Tips For Positive Social Media Use

5 tips for positive social media useā€¦

I see and speak to a lot of mothers who really struggle with social media. The added pressure it can put on you, especially when you are already feeling tired, overwhelmed or a little vulnerable. šŸ˜¢ Let's say it can be emotionally intense.

Perhaps because they feel they need to post 'the right image', or maybe their baby doesn't respond to an online 'experts' advice (because all babies are unique, sadly there's 'no one size fits all' easy advice. Damn it!) , or because the endless scrolling makes them feel 'not good enough' as they compare someone elses perfectly curated squares to their own life...

So I thought I would do a little post with some helpful tips to use social media positively.

ā Tip 1 - Unfollow any accounts that make you feel like shit!ā 

Please do this straight away. Unfollow any accounts that make you feel like shit. If what you are seeing makes you feel bad,not good enough or somehow inferior then unfollow. Cut out the crap and find content you enjoy consuming, and people and accounts that are supportive and aligned with your values.

Tip 2 - Only share what youā€™re happy to

Create posts you love and feel happy sharing. Be as honest as you want to be. Life with a baby or child is not perfect!

And don't feel obliged to post anything at all when you're not feeling up to it - it shouldn't be something that makes you feel pressured.

Tip 3 - Find and nurture connections

You can find so much love, support and solidarity through social media connections - nurture them.

I've lost count of all the amazing people I have met through various platforms. It can be really amazing to find your online tribe - but not at the expense of real human contact. Find the balance.

Tip 4 - Do not compare

Donā€™t ever compare. You, your child and your life are utterly unique. Celebrate that and don't compare to the veneer of someone else's squares.

Comparison is the thief of joy. Truly.

And remember please do not compare someone elseā€™s outer projections (ie insta squares) with your inner world (and real life) - that is not a real or fair comparison.

And over everything, trust your intuition and gut over any online post or expert.

Tip 5 - Take regular breaks

Lastly, take regular breaks! This is key. Stepping away from screens to enjoy your life, be in the moment with your child, and give your head a rest is the most important thing you can do.

Put the phone away when you are with friends/family and be more intentional in your use. And itā€™s completely fine if want to take bigger breaks, or delete apps for a while.

Susan x