From a Skeptical Dad to Hypnobirthing Evangelist! One Dads Birth Story

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Partners, especially men, can be quite skeptical about hypnobirthing classes at the start, but often turn into the biggest advocates. Why? Because the tools that are taught are common sense, practical and very tangible. The other great benefit for partners, is hypnobirthing gives them a very defined support role during both your pregnancy and labour and that’s incredibly helpful for both of you. You can really become a ‘birthing dream team’ (love that phrase!)

Here's Ricks amazing story

"If you had told me (and Jen) 4 months ago that that…..  1. We’d have done a course on something called hypnobirthing, and 2. That we would choose to have a homebirth in a pool, well I’d have called the men in white coats!

But we did have both, and I cannot think of a more amazing way of bringing our little man into the world. We’re now passionate advocates of hypnobirthing to any friends that will listen.


Anyone who knows us was puzzled when we mentioned it at first, because it doesn’t sound like the type of thing we would do (me being a gruff northern bloke in particular). Not that they knew what ‘it’ was. Explaining the hypnobirthing pre-birth, most people seemed to nod and smile and kinda why we thought it might be useful. It’s only been since Finn’s arrival and the experience we had that people actually believe us….and want to know more! The proof is in the pudding and all that.


Before the course we knew as little as everyone else in our position – first-time parents who hadn’t really done any in-depth reading up on what was to come. And for me, even if the birth itself had ended up being traumatic, the knowledge and confidence we got in those two sessions would have been more than worth it. Attending NCT classes a few weeks later was rather eye opening in that most couples will have gone into labour with next to no knowledge (relatively speaking). It was difficult not to sound like a know-it-all and resist expanding on the NCT info for the other couples!


But we got much more than just the knowledge and confidence. Jen (with my help I hope. The flowering roses video I put together being a particular highlight) practiced lots and found the positive affirmations particularly helpful. Her iPod and an hour long commute by train each way to work definitely helped with this! And in fact I found aspects useful in work too – learning to breathe properly definitely helped with anxiety and sleep!


In the comfort of our own home, in a birth pool I just about managed to pump up and fill up in time, Jen was in ‘established labour’ for a relatively short time. We called the midwife around 9.30pm and she arrived around 10.15pm. We were so glad not to have the ‘when to go to hospital’ decision and the journey. Finn was born at 11.34pm. Although having cared for hypnobirthing couples before, the midwife (who was also fantastic) was gobsmacked that Jen looked to good/calm/in control when she first checked her…to find she was 7 cms dilated. And after 20 mins or so in the birth pool, with only a few gulps of gas and air (to focus on something rather than the pain relief it seemed). Jen was trying unsuccessfully to convince the midwife and me that the head was crowning.  But she was right….and a couple of surges and some deep breaths later…POP, out he came (it was that easy, surely?! J). Jen said later she didn’t feel as though she particularly had to ‘do’ anything – her body and Finn were in control and knew what to do.


Awestruck/lost for words/ dumbfounded… I can’t quite find the right phrase for what I felt. We kept him attached to the cord and in the water with Jen for 20 minutes or so, before I grabbed him for some chest-hair-eating time. Jen was taken for a shower and a check and was tucked up in our own bed within the hour. Perfect."

Such a brilliant turn around, and such a magical birth story - really love this one. If you'd like more great hypnobirthing birth stories just let me know.

For the next group hypnobirthing course dates in York check out here - and your partner could be the next Daddy Cool and hypnobirthing evangelist dad! :) 

Susan x