What if we nurtured mothers?

what if we nurtured mothers?

What a flipping great question!

I was rewatching a really powerful TED talk earlier today. It’s by Diana Spaldin and titled “What if we nurtured moms”

There’s some pretty powerful stuff in it. Definitely worth a watch, I’ll share the link at the end of the post.

In it she states:

85% of mothers do not believe society takes good care of mothers. (Tbh I’m surprised it’s not a higher number )

We are asking mothers to nurture, when they do not feel nurtured themselves.

And asks these questions...

~ when did we stop valuing mothers?

~ how is it to feel you are not important?

Her conclusions are clear - modern motherhood isn’t working. Mothers are burning out.

But she had solutions too. Which for me really validates what I do and why I do it. I know in my heart it’s important, but to hear some research figures is really powerful.

She says...

When people recieve social support they experience less burnout

The figures say that, women who receive social support have:

~ a lower risk of a low birth rate baby

~ a lower risk of pre term labour

~ fewer hopsitalisation

~ fewer caesarean births

~ less postnatal depression

She talks of ‘huge solutions being compilations of small solutions’

I like to think I offer one of these (very) small solutions in my weekly classes. The community and connection of being in a supportive, safe space with other pregnant women / women and babies is the gold Truly.

I believe that cannot be underestimated.

Find out the whole range of my supportive classes and course at www.formodernmothers.com

Take a watch here:


Oh and yes of course we do need a true revolution in how we value mothers in society, a massive culture change and paradigm shift, government to listen and make radical change.

Susan x